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Concert Bb Major Diatonic 7th Chord Exercises

This download goes with the “Exploring C Major (Concert Bb Major) Tonality: Diatonic 7th Chords” video (downloads a zip file with common instrument transpositions included—C, Bass clef, Bb, Eb, F)


Concert Bb Major Diatonic Triad Chord Exercises

This download goes with the “Exploring C Major (Concert Bb Major) Tonality: Diatonic Triads” video (downloads a zip file with common instrument transpositions included—C, Bass clef, Bb, Eb, F)


Concert Bb Major Scale in

3rds Exercises

This download goes with the “4 Exercises to Explore the C Major Tonality (Concert Bb) part 2” video (downloads a zip file with common instrument transpositions included—C, Bass clef, Bb, Eb, F)


Concert Bb Major Scale

This download goes with the “Introduction to the C Major Tonality (Concert Bb) part 1” video (downloads a zip file with common instrument transpositions included—C, Bass clef, Bb, Eb, F)


"Metronome Practice!"

version 2

This download goes with the Let’s Investigate! with Victor Haskins: How to Practice (Using a Metronome) EPISODE 3 video (downloads a zip file with common instrument transpositions included—C, Bass clef, Bb, Eb, F)


"Metronome Practice!"

version 1

This download goes with the Let’s Investigate! with Victor Haskins: How to Practice (Using a Metronome) EPISODE 1 video (downloads a zip file with common instrument transpositions included—C, Bass clef, Bb, Eb, F)

Trumpet Warm-up by Victor Haskins.png


This is my warm-up that I prescribe to my private students.  If you are coming to this page from my "Basic Brass Warm-up and 4 Skills of Trumpet Playing" video, note that this warm-up is slightly different, but I believe it is self-explanatory, and you should be able to use it with no issue if you understood that video.  I have made other videos about breathing, so check those out to do the beginning of this warm-up properly.  Good luck!

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